Friday, May 23, 2008

Album Untuk Munir Telah Beredar..

Penggarapan Album "Untuk Munir" akhirnya selesai . Peluncuran album untuk aktivis HAM Munir itu, digelar di Kantor Kontras, Jalan Borobudur, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Jumat (23/5).

Panitia Lomba Cipta Lagu untuk Munir, Toska Santoso mengatakan, album ini diluncurkan untuk terus menjaga ingatan masyarakat tentang Munir. "Dengan adanya album ini, dengan 10 lagunya, kami berharap bisa terus menjaga ingatan kita tentang Munir dan perjuangannya yang harus terus kita lanjutkan.

Karena lagu itu, bisa menjadi bahasa yang lebih universal dan mungkin akan lebih mudah untuk mentransfer pesan yang ingin disampaikan," kata Santoso.

Hasil polling sms yang dilakukan menempatkan 3 lagu sebagai terfavorit, yaitu Pahlawan Sejati (Doddy B Jatmiko), Untukmu (Nur Iman) dan Selamat Jalan Pahlawan HAM (Neps Band). Tujuh lagu lainnya, Cahaya (Asfinawati), Blues untuk Munir (Jeffar L Gaol), Before You Go (Ben & Friends), Arsenikum (Rengga Yudhistira), Pain (Ovalenz), Masihkah Kita Takut (Amir Sadewo) dan Mr. HAM (Full Respect). Album ini dijual bebas dalam bentuk CD dan kasetnya, dibanderol masing-masing Rp40.000 dan Rp20.000.

Album ini juga akan dibuatkanvidio klip di bawah naungan Label Emotion, sebuah label lokal yang sebelumnya mengeluarkan album grup band Drive. "Konsep dan pemilihan lagu untuk klip video sepenuhnya ditentukan label," ujar produser album itu, Irwan Azwarman. Rencananya album nonkomersial ini akan diperbanyak 10 ribu kopi dan didistribusikan secara umum.

Ajang lomba nonkomersial ini, menurut ketua promosi, Eko Sulistyanto, sebagai dorongan moral kepada pemerintah untuk terus bertindak. "Ini dukungan kepada pemerintah untuk tidak ragu lagi mengungkap kasus (pembunuhan Munir)," dia menjelaskan. Selain itu, kata dia, sebagai ajakan kepada masyarakat agar semakin peduli terhadap kasus Munir

Sumber :

Naik Naik Ke Puncak Gunung

Naik naik kepuncak gunung, tinggi tinggi sekali....
Penggalan lagu tersebut sangat pantas untuk menggambarkan kenaikan harga BBM yang semalan diumumkan oleh pemerintahan SBY. Entah kapan kenaikan ini akan mencapai puncak, sehingga tidak akan ada jalan menaik lagi bagi harga tersebut.

Sebagai seorang rakyat biasa dan sangat awam akan masalah yang dialami negara ini, saya selalu mendukung keputusan pemerintah untuk masalah yang satu ini.

Semoga ini merupakan puncak dari gunung itu, sehingga tidak ada puncak lebih tinggi lagi untuk dijangkau, malah sangat terbuka lebar ruang untuk turun dari puncak itu.

Simple Sound with Pure Heart

Simple sound with pure heart, that's how I describe this band. They call them self Pure Saturday. An indie band from Bandung Indonesia. The band was formed in 1994 by Muhammad Suar Nasution (vocals, guitar), Ade Purnama (bass), Aditya "Adhi" Ardinugraha (guitar), Yudistira "Udhi" Ardinugraha (drums) and Arief Hamdani (guitar). They were pioneers of Banfung indie scene. Their self-titled debut album was released in 1996, the first 5000 copies of which were sold innovatively via mail-order through a teen magazine. The album was then available on wide distribution after the band signed with Ceepee Records. The single "Kosong" made them household names, with the artistic accompanying video gaining heavy rotation.

Their more complex and challenging second album, Utopia, was released in 1999 through Aquarius Musikindo. Because of family and business reasons, Pure Saturday was mostly inactive for several years, culminating in Suar's departure in 2004. After unsuccessful auditions to find a suitable replacement vocalist, fate intervened one day when Satria "Iyo" NB, the band's manager, filled in during rehearsals. The guy they were looking for was there all along!

With their new lead singer in tow, Pure Saturday released its long-awaited third album, Elora, in March 2005 through FastForward Records.

This made it official: Pure Saturday was reborn and ready to rock again!!.

" After releasing our last record "Time for a change...time to move on", we are now working on a project which involving Bandung iconic metal band "BURGERKILL". The project itself started few weeks ago, and yet still has a lot to work thru. The has been quite an amazing well as a though challenge ever since we have to be able to cope with all the ego-matters and we know that the 2 bands perform different kind of music style. What would it be in the end? Somehow there's no clue so thing for sure: WE ARE INDEED TRYING TO MAKE A SOMETHING NEW..NOT COLLABORATING !!! JUST WAIT AND SEE. CHEERS. "

That's the band description which I grab from their MySpace account. I knew the band about a weeks ago. After listen to their song, their sound, watch their  performances from youtube and read their lyrics, um.. I realize that I just in love with this band. Simple band, in performance, sound and melody too, but absolutely deep in lyrics.

"Buka" always in my song list lately. What a great lyric, friendship song, reminds me how a friendship should be, how true friends share their life, laugh together and face any problem together.

Yes, I just in love with this band.
Simple sound with pure heart, that's how I describe this band.

Listen to music is about how to make you feel better. No matter what they say about the music you listen to. Be happy with your heart.

Free your mind and soul.
Do whatever makes you fell better

Band description grabbed from :